Saturday, March 2, 2019

Stair Model


The two stairs are to subtly reflect the stand out properties of their level of the building while reflecting qualities of the other within their design. Without connecting with the other, stair will provide a hazy merge into the other both in location and form. A necessary concept in order for a union between lighting and automotive products.

Stair Sections

Bernabei Freeman: Geometric

Stair 1

Stair 2: Chosen for modelling


Stair 1

Stair 2: Chosen for modelling

Sketchup Models

Bernabei Freeman Stair 2 

Side Perspective

Front View
Ellipse supports, reference shape of the building and 2nd stair

Top View

A relationship between the geometric randomness of the glass roof and stair railing.


Front Perspective

Extension of "showroom" into the basement without interruption of the workshop is provided by glass panels

Staggered wall corresponding with steps

Top View

Relationship with building

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